Политика конфиденциальности

Private Policy

«RinoFRV» We at take the protection of your personal data very seriously and strictly abide by the regulations of the world data protection act. Personal data will only be collected to an extent that is technically required. In no case this data will be sold or passed on to third parties for any other reasons.

The following declaration gives you an overview on how this protection is guaranteed and which kind of data is collected for which purposes.

Information we collect

Device information. We may collect device-specific information, such as your hardware model and operating system version.

Information you give us. When you contact «RinoFRV», we may keep a record of your communication to help solve any issues you might be facing. We may use your email address to inform you about our services, such as letting you know about upcoming changes or improvements.

Third-party services. We may use third-party services to help us understand the use of our Service, such as Google Analytics. These third-party service providers may collect information sent by your browser as part of a web page request, such as cookies or your IP address.

Request user data deletion

When you install and use “RinoFRV” mobile applications, we can collect and process some of your data for different legitimate purposes.

You will find below explanations regarding the reasons why we may collect data.

Why is data collected?

“RinoFRV” and its third-party partners collect data:

To provide you with the services you asked for
To run analytics and understand how users interact with our product and services to improve them continuously
The third-party partners that “RinoFRV” will share the data with are:

Facebook Analytics

Data deletion requests

To delete user data collected by “RinoFRV”, please reach out to “rinofrv@yandex.ru”.

If you also want to request the deletion of the data that may have been collected about you or your device by our third-party partners that are acting as independent data controllers, you will find below the contact for each partner and the link to the relevant section of their privacy policies:

email: privacy@gameanalytics.com
privacy policy: https://gameanalytics.com/privacy/#6-changing-or-deleting-your-information
Facebook Analytics:
email: none, please refer to the privacy policy
privacy policy: https://www.facebook.com/policy.php

What are my opt-out rights?

You can stop all collection of information by the Application easily by uninstalling the Application. You may use the standard uninstall processes as may be available as part of your mobile device or via the mobile application marketplace or network. You can also request to opt-out via email, at: rinofrv@yandex.ru

Information we share

We do not share or disclose your private personal information unless necessary to comply with a law, regulation or legal request.

We may share or disclose your non-private, aggregated or otherwise non-personal information, such as aggregate usage statistics.

Information security

We will protect personal information by reasonable security safeguards against loss or theft, as well as unauthorized access, disclosure, copying, use or modification.

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